Category Archives: general

Assessing your fitness

Hello Everyone! I hope this blogpost finds you well and vibrant. Originally my intent was to provide you with some tests you can do to self-assess your fitness but I changed my mind. The reason? I think involving a professional … Continue reading

Posted in general, holistic fitness, How to's, info, orthopedic health, weight training | Leave a comment

Awareness Con’t.d

I hope today finds you feeling well and well-rested. Today, I would like to talk about sleep and hydration.  Here are some pointers on optimizing your sleep. 1. Get to bed on time! Ideally it is optimal to get to … Continue reading

Posted in general, holistic fitness, info | 11 Comments

Welcome to my blog

Hello Everyone, Welcome to! This blog will allow me to share my ideas, opinions, experience, and research in the areas of fitness, sports performance, and holistic lifestyle management. Through this blog I hope to help coach you to a healthier … Continue reading

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Welcome to Justin Time Fit    

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