Welcome to my blog

Hello Everyone,

Welcome to Justintimefit.com! This blog will allow me to share my ideas, opinions, experience, and research in the areas of fitness, sports performance, and holistic lifestyle management. Through this blog I hope to help coach you to a healthier lifestyle. I will do this by providing information, video clips, photos, and recommendations of resources that can truly enhance your life. This first blog will start things off about why it is important to be physically active . Look at the list below for the benefits of physical activity.

•Prevents certain forms of cancer
• Improves functional capacity of the elderly
• Improves recovery from rehabilitation
• Preserves cardiovascular fitness (1% decline/year after 25 years)
• Increased memory and reaction time
• Moderating effect on high blood pressure
• Decreased heart disease risk
• Increased joint mobility
• Improves potential for reaching genetic life expectancy
• Type 2 Diabetes prevention
• Improves posture
• Promotes better self esteem, relaxation, and well-being
• Maintains healthy bones and joints
• There are more!!
Hopefully this gets you excited about why movement is key for enhancing your personal wellness. On my next blog I will talk about how awareness is the key to improving your health and is the first step in becoming active and making wise health decisions.   
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